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of the Self

12-day Retreat
with Guruji Sri Vast

Dec 22 - Jan 2, 2024/2025

Immerse yourself in the graceful presence of a living Master

The quest of stillness and liberation is always an inbuilt urge to attain. Throughout life all efforts are made in different ways and different forms, with the ultimate goal of finding the true Self. No matter what we do, and how we do it, we are looking for this awakened state, recapturing our natural inner peace, joy and freedom.

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Get in touch with your

deepest essence

A meeting with Guruji Sri Vast is a transforming spiritual encounter. It is a way to meet our true Self and become free from our past holdings and patterns. Immersed in the loving and graceful presence of the Master, we open up to our deepest essence.

Taking part in a retreat with Guruji Sri Vast is a very profound, transformative experience. Unique self-realizations take place in the presence of the beloved Master – full of wisdom, laughter, love and humor.


“Life happens only once in this way. You are a unique existence and you have the possibility to experience this life form in a unique way, which belongs to you and cannot be taken away from you. This journey can be a totally different experience. Come, come, let us reclaim the way of your being."

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Experience spirituality grounded in everyday life

Guruji’s Teachings are not only transforming the individual  – when the individual transforms, the world of that individual is transformed. The retreat is an inner journey towards the path of self-realization, and a guidance for practical spirituality in everyday life.

The retreat consists of early morning meditation, yoga, unique self-inquiry, nature experiences, gatherings with celebrative, joyful singing and chanting and daily Satsang with Guruji Sri Vast. 


“Once you are touched by life, nothing else can give you more than that. This moment is whole. The experience of being totally one with this moment – nothing can match that."


“My Teachings are nothing but my life. I cannot separate my living and the Teachings. I cannot do two things at the same time. So I choose to live. And my life is nothing but my celebration. And my celebration is nothing but my message.”


About Guruji Sri Vast

Guruji Sri Vast is a Living Master, mystic and poet – full of authentic joy, love, grace & a flow of natural wisdom, teaching the celebration of Life as a way to total liberation.

Guruji’s Teachings bring freedom, love and bliss into everyday life. They ignite self-transformation of one’s past imprints, conditions and boundaries. Attaining one’s natural state – the realized one – is the core of Guruji’s Teachings. Guruji invites everyone into the Enlightened Era, where humanity can live in harmony with all beings and explore the love, beauty and sacredness in everything and everyone.

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for more information on
Guruji Sri Vast


I had this idea of ‘I want to be free’, but once I peeled off the first layer, with the help of Guruji’s Teachings, I could see that I was never in for freedom. I wanted this and that, I wanted so many things. Once I kind of came clean with myself, I could see that these were my ‘needs’ and from that point on, I could go further. Before I was just acting, not knowing myself. I really feel that Guruji has this super sharp way of going into that ‘freedom’. It has nothing to do with life as we know it, but it has everything to do with our natural core. Just being with Him is out of this world, it is so much love and it just needs to be expressed.



It has been a really intensive and good experience. It is food for thoughts and it is a nurturing time for the body as well. All of which you are told gets a container to live in and that is a really good feeling. You feel part of the community. Breaking old patterns, seeing things in a new light, looking at it with fresh eyes, and doing it together! There is a great sense of love ― and that is healing.



Coming to the retreat feels like coming home, I have been coming for 18 years now and every retreat is different, with different people, different questions. What became more clear for me this time, is that everybody is important, everybody is contributing to the path that humanity takes. It gives me the feeling that we are not just the victim, it makes me aware and awake. What I love about Guruji is that what he teaches is not just theory, it is a living experience, it is practical.


Food and accommodation


We provide a healthy, vegan-vegetarian diet. If you have any allergies or special diets due to health reasons, please inform us beforehand.

Divinya offers comfortable shared and single rooms. We recommend that you switch off your phone for the duration of your retreat stay, which supports one’s inner journey.

Divinya is located in the South of Sweden. The International Airport Copenhagen in Denmark is 50 minutes by train. A pickup from the trainstation ‘Eslöv’ can be arranged.


questions about the retreat? 

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Registration Form

Awakening of the Self Retreat

Dec 22 – Jan 2, 2024

Welcome to a 12-day journey with Guruji Sri Vast


Your details


Please send a recent photo of yourself to along with your name.


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Retreat Price

Select your option:


The above fee includes the retreat program, food, accommodation and two robes lent for the duration of the retreat. 

Thank you for your registration. The foundation will send you in the coming days further information to complete your registration.

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