I have been engaged in the construction project from the beginning to the end and I can say that I have learned so much more about practical architecture than I did in two years of architecture studies at University. It was an amazing experience to build with all the ecological material: From the wooden structure, the perlite in the foundation, to the hemp insulation in the walls and the Ice-Stick heating system, everything is carefully chosen to create a building as environment friendly as possible. And there is so much more to learn about design and architecture! The composition of materials, shapes, forms and colors create a sensation of spaciousness, harmony and transparency. Every detail is so thoroughly thought through. In the building process I have learned so much about myself and how people can create together. To learn about ecological building at Divinya means not only to learn how to build a sustainable building, but it is all about building a sustainable human relationship; to learn how to create an experience that is ecological in its own. Our intentions and the way we work together must be harmonious, otherwise it cannot be called 'ecological'. I came to understand: To create a more sustainable world outside, we first have to learn to become more sustainable within ourselves. Learning architecture at Divinya means learning inner architecture and how we are constructed ourselves.
Karl, Sweden. Participant of the Ecology & Spirituality Course